Canada Day Celebrations in Grey Bruce Georgian

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Canada Day is celebrated on July 1st. The event is commemorated in Canada with fireworks, concerts and holiday celebrations.There are numerous activities taking place around the area over the next couple of days. Learn more about the fun filled events happening in Bruce County at Explore the Bruce and check out a list of activities happening around Grey County at Visit Grey.

Pick Your Own Strawberries

Summer has begun and in Ontario that means strawberries are ready to be picked. Picking your own strawberries is a fun family activity. There are numerous farms in our area that offer excellent berry picking. Ontario strawberries are plump, juicy and delicious. They are fantastic to freeze and wonderful to use in jams and pies. Picking dates depend on the weather and market conditions, so it is important to call ahead. If you’re interested in picking your own strawberries visit Foodlink to find a farm nearby.

Vital Signs Survey

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Vital Signs is a national initiative being implemented by Community Foundation Grey Bruce. Vital Signs is an instrument for measuring community well-being. It’s a tool for a community check-up. The report summarizes the health and strength of a community. Community Foundation is asking the residents of Grey Bruce to complete an online survey. The information gathered from this survey will assist the foundation to determine the most important issues relating to the community’s well-being. The more surveys completed the more information that can be gathered to draw a picture of who we are as a group. Take the online survey.


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Join the Bibles for Missions Thrift Store Wed June 17-19 from 3-7 pm to shop for some fantastic deals. The store is located in Owen Sound beside Kia and across from Walmart at 1698 18th Ave E, Owen Sound ON. The Bibles for Mission Thrift Store sells high quality donated goods such as clothing, housewares, books, furniture, and TVs. This provides the community with a way of recycling items that they no longer use. Some of the items being offered at the sale are bags of books for $1.00, bags of clothing for $2.00 and small appliances for $5.00. A bargain hunters dream! The cash from these sales is donated to the Bible League of Canada. For more information about this event call 519-416-7780.